How well does your child store information in his memory? How observant is she? If you are looking for a toy or a game that can help train your child’s memory and observation skill and at the same time enjoy the thrill and fun of playing, then the Memory Game from FUN TO LEARN is probably the one that you are looking for. FUN TO LEARN website, kidzpuzzle.com, offers 2 choices of the game, At The Lake and In The Sea. There are 4 activity boards in Memory Game. Each board has 5 different matching pairs of pictures.

The game is played by one or more players but we would encourage the parent to play with the child:-
1. First lift a cover to reveal the picture underneath and then ask your child to find another picture, same as the one you uncovered, hidden in one of the other covers.
2. The child will then try to look for it by removing one cover at a time and replacing it should the picture underneath does not match with the one that you have uncovered. As he does this, he will make a mental note of all the pictures and where they are located. Eventually, he finds the one matching yours.
3. Next, uncover another picture and ask him to find the same hidden one. You will discover over time, he will learn to find the matching pictures quicker than he does before. The different shapes and colours of the pictures will be etched in his memory and when he plays another similar game, he will take note of the same features of the pictures, thus develops his observation skill.
FUN TO LEARN Memory Game is made up of 4 activity boards, a back board with coloured knobs at each corner and a front board with a picture and holes to place the covers. The 4 matching pair of pictures on one board are different from another. They are to be hidden by the covers before the start of the game. To play a new game, simply remove the previous one activity board and place the new activity board over the back board. The back board knobs should locate the holes at the 4 corners of the layer. Match the colour on the edge of the hole with the colour of the knobs. Then place the front board, picture side facing up and covers on the new layer.
The game is suitable for children age 3 and above.
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